Monday, 5 October 2009

Time lapse
Coldplay - 'Yellow'
The music video below by Coldplay was shot at normal speed, but the artist is singing twice as fast, which they then edited to normal speed to give the effect of the surroundings, and his movement being very slow, whiles he is singing at the same pace of the song. This can be seen in the video by the slow movement of the waves, and slow movement. I also like how the video becomes gradually lighter as the video goes on. Our group may chose to do a similar thing as the song we have chosen talks about the night. - click on the link to get the video.
James Morrison -' Please don't stop the rain'
The following video above shows one of James Morrison's music videos in the song 'please don't stop the rain'. As you can see in parts of it, it uses the same slow motion time lapse technique by James Morrison lip singing at twice the speed, and slowing it down in the music video, so it looks like he is walking in slow motion. I also like in this video the part where it is raining sparks and it works well with some of the lyrics in the song.

In our music video, we want to make the main character move at a slow pace in one of the scenes, whiles busy everyday life is sped up around him, making the surrounding people blur, and also making it seem as if the main character is lonely and slow, even know there are people around him. The people not walking at his pace would make him look shut out from everyone else reflecting on the song being quite a lonely song itself, being slow pace and having only one singer.

This could be done by say editing the song so it plays half the speed, and then the person playing the character singing to the track at half the speed, and moving at half the speed they would normally move, whiles the people walking past would be doing so at normal pace.

Sun rising time lapse

We also want to include a sun setting or even a sun rising with a time lapse, making it faster at the end in the long fadeout of the song. The artist did a similar thing in his music video, but at night with the moon, and clouds going past it. The video below shows a similar sunset to what we want to achieve. - Click on the link for sun rising time lapse.

As you can see this is a very effective sun rising time lapse. This is exactly what we want to achieve at around 18 seconds into the clip at the end of our music video.

Other time lapses

Other time lapses which we want to do include motorways and roundabouts, with the smudged car lights as the cars go very fast by. The video below shows what we want to achieve. - Click on the link for motorway time lapse.

As you can see the cars going very fast by gives a good effect but obviously we want to shoot a busier motorway.

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