Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Idea for music video
We want to have a male lead role who will be playing a guitar and will be walking around Cambridge at night. The locations that we want to use are filming on a punt and light it up so that it stands out on the river, if we can't get a punt we will probably film the lead role from the river front. Other locations that we had thought of are a pub when it was almost empty and filming in a park in the town but our main focus is the punt. We want to have our lead role just dressed in casual clothing that he would normally wear rather then dressing up, and we probably wouldn't have any costume changes because we don't think it would fit in with the video. At the end of the music video we had an idea about speeding up time so it goes from night to early morning. Examples of these ideas are pictured on our mood board.
ali michael jonny danielle
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